When the physical aspects of a human being are no more alive and the life within dis-appears, we reckon DEATH. To most of us death remains a mystery and we witness fear during the event.
At most events we are found afraid of Death as we take it to be fearful and painful. It is difficult for some of us to tolerate the death of our family member or the relative.
Sadness takes over our thoughts and behavior and the event is reckoned to be a tragic and a serious one. Weeping is very common at this juncture. At most events it is natural. At some events IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE. In brief, it is a good gesture weeping after the dead. But it is never good as such as weeping or crying after the dead person means to dis-courage the soul climbing the upper steps of his journey in the other world. There are all ill chances of a soul to withdraw back and try to get hold of the dead body and come back to life.
In reality, death is nothing but is a process of changing the aspects of the soul which is immortal. Through the process of death, the soul concerned promotes it-self to the higher prospectus in the other invincible world and leaves the particular physical body with no more useful to the soul… The physical body without the soul is of no use and as it can’t be stored, it is either buried or cremated. No one actually likes to stay with the dead body for long as it is said to be harmful.
There are several factors of death, which are un-avoidable, and under all circumstances DEATH is a must for all living creatures. ONE WHO IS BORN IS SUPPOSED TO DIE. The time, place and circumstances are destined from the time of birth and there is no change in that. No deity, Saint, Prophet, doctor or a scientist can avoid death. It is just our belief that a particular doctor or a Saint has saved the particular person from the jaw of death or either of them has prolonged the life line of the particular person.
It is even not possible to delay the time of death EVEN AN HOUR at any circumstances. Our modern science has still long way to go to the depth of the destined death. The modern science talks of death at several points but it has failed completely to reckon it the right way. The computerized world has still to search for the right font of death. Our modern science with the latest equipments has failed to trace the death and consequently death has remained a mystery for long.
Death in reality is the end of life’s stay in the particular body as destined. The process of death and the transfer of soul from the physical aspects to the astral world are not fearful or frightening as taken by many of us. We fear death and we take extra care of ourselves. We stop doing several things just because we are afraid of death. We are in constant fear of some one killing us or we being killed by natural disaster or an accident. We try to be cautious and well behaved, as we are afraid of death. Considering this psychological effect, the law has the death sentence for the highest type of crime on this world.
When the heart of the person fails to work and he stops breathing, he is declared dead. The body when alive had a very high prospectus and the stand in the world. A person was ruling the world with the use of his body. A beautiful body was the center of attraction for several persons and people fought and even committed murder for a particular charming body. The champion wrestler had the attention of the entire wrestling world when his body was alive.
When the life vanishes from such bodies, they have no value at all and nobody will ever admire or go for a dead body. Once a very important and very worthy and highly maintained body after the death is wastage and no one would ever wish to store the dead body for long.
The body without life is dangerous and even useless and if it stays bit longer without the medication, it will smell like a hell and nobody would wish to stand by it. The dead body known as CORPSE has no status and is always NOT LIKED BY ANYONE even by the ROMEO who was once mad after the same body of Juliet, his beloved when it had life within.
The soul, which is the living element of the physical body, moves out of the body through the special code during the sleeping time. During the sound sleep, we go deeper in the dream sequence and experience the events of the other world sometimes quite different from the present one. We pass several years of our life in few minutes in the dream, which sometimes reflects our thoughts and expectations of the day. When we come back from the dream, sometimes we are confused for the time being as we have traveled thousands of miles, lived for several years and even met people who are no more on this earth.
In the dream we very well travel at any speed and height without any source and we have no barriers of walls, ceilings or structures and we can as well view the whole world while travelling in the space. We may have several types of other dreams also but nothing seems to be real as we come back to ourselves. In reality the soul has left our physical body and gone to the other unknown world, did its part and came back to our body through the same channel by using the special password.
The only difference between the dream and the death is that, during the dream sequence the soul which has gone out of the body through a special code will come back to the same body by using the same code. But during the death, the soul leaves the physical body once forever and never comes back.
It goes further with the help of the other prospectus in that world for further journey in the higher world known as Astral World. Immediately, the soul vacates the physical body the password is destroyed and hence even if the soul desires to come back in the body for a special purpose, it is not possible. That is the end of the attachment and the exact destined time with the physical aspects.
The Astral World although not visible to us is not unknown to us or it is not even much far from us. We have been to that particular world several times during our sleep or while we undergo the coma period during our serious sickness or accident. Some of us have been to that world and had thorough experience of the events and the souls of the Astral Kingdom and have come back to our life to the surprise and astonishment of the doctor or the relatives who were seriously and keenly waiting for our last hours. All those people, who have seen death in reality and come back to life to use the remaining destined time of life, have had NDE- Near Death Experiences. We have discussed about NDE in the separate section as required.
When a person is declared dead, his physical aspects are being cremated or buried according to the belief of his or her religion. The soul leaving the body may be visible to the clairvoyant sight or to the person who has achieved the special sight by the special meditation or Yoga. The soul at the particular time uses Etheric Double Body for few days until he is given another full-fledged eternal body. The Etheric Double is built on much finer matter than ether and its outline resembles nearly to the physical body.
Etheric Double in the true sense is the counter part of the physical body, which is seen by very few people. It is seen around the dying person in various laminating colors and the clairvoyant sight is able to make out the nature of the soul and its further destination from the colors of AURA from the vision of Etheric Double.
There is every possibility of a soul coming back to his physical body from the Etheric Double if it still maintains the code or the password of the body entrance. But once the code is snatched and the password changed or destroyed, it is not possible.
The dying person under the normal condition will see the aspects of the other world and the souls of his relation gathered to escort him in the other world. He sees his elders, relatives and friends along with the religious persons if he was a religious minded person-gathered to welcome in the next world.
Some times he may talk of deities or the particular manifestation of The God he believed, who have come to receive him as the reward of his good deeds. He hears sweet music, scenty atmosphere and the name of the Lord to his surrounding and he describes the situation while in his deathbed to the relatives around.
The people present may believe what he says and describes and are happy listening to him or some modern minded people will think that to be the utterance without any sense being the funny talk of the last moment. But there is a truth in such events. A peaceful death of a religious person or the person with several good deeds will surely see the coming events of the other world while still not using the Etheric Double.
A non-believer of religion or God and the wicked persons who has done several evils will see some dangerous atmosphere and the devils may be seen coming to escort him to the route of hell, although he may as well meet and talk to some of his dead relatives’ souls.
The soul in the Astral World does not require any clothes, food or water. He also does not require any vehicle to travel and he uses his thought power to travel where he can even fly in the atmosphere like the superman. He hardly needs any rest or sleep. He will continue his arranged journey with the escort he has been given by the other world. He takes nearly twelve to thirteen days to reach his first important destination, which will decide his future in the other world.
Weeping, crying and sighing are not good after the dead person. Prayers are the main aspects at this time, which may be useful to the concerned soul in his journey in the Astral world. Hindu families carry out religious functions and donate with open heart with the constant reading of Holy books and chanting the name of the Lord to the benefits of the soul of the dead. They think and believe that the dead will collect whatever good deeds and the donations they do during those thirteen days and it will surely help the soul of the dead for the better stay and peaceful journey in the other world.
There is some truth in such beliefs and the Hindus in general carry out several religious ceremonies and donations in the name of the dead person. Prayers are held every part of the world in all religions being for the long lasting peace for the soul in the other world.
Death is nothing but the promotion of the soul within. The soul gets the future prospectus according to his or her deeds in the present life and whatever is done after him in his name will surely be a plus point in his good deeds or would help him to recover from the evils of the deeds.
The process of death in all circumstances is not the same. It depends entirely on the circumstances and the physical features of the person. THE PROSPECTUS OF THE PERSON DYING FROM THE LONG BED SICKNESS AND THE PERSON WITH HEART FAILURE DEATH HAS VERY DIFFERENT DEATH SCENES. ONE SUFFERS FOR LONG BEFORE BEING RELIEVED. The other takes minutes or seconds and he is taken by the death soon after.
There have been people who stay in bed; sick and unable to move and eat or even speak for long. There are people who die in the wink of the eye while very active and talking. Some die at the very young age before even having awareness of the world and some wait for the death to come even at the age of 90 AND ABOVE. The duration of life and the time of death are very difficult to be understood by the common man. Death is still a mystery and very few people know it in the right tune but it is part of the DESTINY and it is destined from the time of birth.
Surely, no one can ever claim to avoid death. It is not only difficult but impossible. Any source claiming to have avoided death might be a fairy tale where everything is possible. The modern science with all its latest tools has failed to deal with death. It is out of reach for science as such.
Nobody just dies because he is old, sick or because of the heart failure or the fatal accident. Some people are even saved from chronic illness and some are snatched by the death in a minor sickness. Some die by the ordinary knock in the accident whereas we have seen several people rescued from the serious injurious. Sometimes we have no hope of a person to get up from the thresh-hold of death during the accident or sickness and to our surprise we see him recovered completely and living a long life then onwards. Whereas we have seen other people we think will surely and easily recover are taken by death just without any hazardous symptoms.
Death is a destined issue and no one ever can truly predict, postpone or avoid it. It will strike at the exact destined minute, at the timed place and under the circumstances as arranged earlier before a person is born. The eternal power of the almighty Lord known as Theory of Karma is in charge of Death and it is never false, partial or one-sided.
Death is supposed to come at the exact destined time and place whatever may come. So one should never be afraid of Death. One should be fully prepared to face it as it may strike at any time without giving us any warning or notice.
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