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The present research on the Birth static’s in India, Ceylon and Japan has shown that due to the modern medical ventures, the life span of the population has been extended and the death-rate of the children is reduced to a substantial level.

Consequently, the population growth is in abundance.

In India in 1921-1930, an average life span of the person was about 27 years. In 1941-1960 it raised to 42.

And the latest survey has shown it to go up to 55 years. Shri Lanka in 1946 showed the death rate of 20.3% it had reduced to 8.8% in 1950, against the birth rate increase to 36.4% when the death rate has gone down and the birth rate is high, the population growth is automatically there.

Japan has really succeeded to control the birth rate. Still In 1920 Japan had a population of about 51 million and after few decades it increased to the figure of 91 million.

While introducing the family planning methods to the forceful devices, Japan in 1948, brought the abortion issue to the legal matter. Family planning issue was debated in the parliament. It became the first and only country to do so. India ventured to do so during late Mrs. Indira Gandhi tenure but not with esteemed success.

The family planning centers and the Health Centers were opened throughout the country from 1948 to 1957 that brought the birth rate from 33.7% to 17.2%.

India and Shri Lanka have to learn a lot from Japan and should control the birth rate to their best efforts to avoid hazardous un-conveniences on the continent in the near future. Even at present the problems are many which thwart the progress of the Nation at all sectors.

In India 83% of the population resides in the rural areas, where poverty and lack of education thwarts the modern development. The birth-rate is higher than the death-rate. India has been successful to root out totally the killer disease smallpox when thousands of children died every year. It has obviously reduced the death rate.

Even the other sectors showed a reduced death rate. The birth- rate could not be controlled compared to death rate. Consequently the increase in population continues.

Europe is known to be very densely populated continent of the western world but compared to India it is less populated. To every kilometer of area, the population growth in India is higher than the other world i.e. India 120, Europe 93, Russia 9, America 22 and china 96.

In India the population growth from 1921 to 1960 has been to a hazardous level. From 1921 to 1930 it was 27.4 Billion, 1931 to 1940 37.3B. – 1941 to 1950 44.1 B. 1951 – 1960-50.4 B. from 1961 to 1970 80 B.from 1971 to 1980 110 B.

Everyday India increases app. 17 thousands heads in the population. 70 years before, India was exporting 4m. tons of grains to overseas. In 1960, India was importing 2.5 million tons of grains from outside.

Unemployment creating undisturbance throughout the country is very common. The case of street children is a real headache to the nation. Their number does not show any down level. The un-accountable beggars on the streets are a cruel threat to the tourism industry.

The unbelievable number of prostitutes is a blot to the country which boasts of an ancient civilization to the root of a pure religion. The girls under the age of 15 are found in the profession as they have no other better means for their survival.

Child labour is in abundance. Although the Government is very keen on such factors, the instant need does not allow the projects to succeed. Although education is going fast it is not so with poor class people as they find out that even after the higher education at a higher cost to their income it is not easy to get the job to feed family peacefully.

Floods, riots, draughts, cyclones, and such other disasters have played a major role in death-toll. Thousands of people die in such mishaps but the Family Planning Source of India is still unable to control the climbing graph of increasing population.

India’s economy without the proper control over growth of population may not succeed. It is high time the government should have special independent family planning Ministry in the centre and in the states accordingly.

Experts should be imported and local talents to be trained overseas if need arises. It is no use spending millions on the supply of family planning methods when the people who are supposed to use them are far from it. It does not sound proper when we hear of opening of Family Planning Centers at all corners of the country when in reality the people who are to benefit from them hesitate to utilize the facilities.

It is high time the Government should invest their funds and the talents to educate the right persons who are really in need of the Family Planning Services. It is vastly seen that the unmarried people use the methods for their safety in stolen sex. Surprisingly enough, the poor class who are in reality in the need of family planning are staying away from it and the increasing ratio of population comes from them. The Government should be serious and be more practical in the right field.



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