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Selina, a school teacher, aged 32 was diagnosed with uterus cancer in 2007. Selina was very much aware of her declining immune system; she knew very well that cancer meant a decline capacity in her white blood count (WBC.)

But her doctor told her that a proper and regulated diet would strengthen her immune system, so she was determined to do everything she could to boost her immune system and promoting her WBC.

Once diagnosed as a cancer patient, she felt so helpless and thought that she had to rely totally on medication, but she was advised to control her diet in order to increase the WBC. She came to realize how important it was to continue to monitor her diet to fight a killer disease such as cancer.

The Cancer Help Centre also advised her to relax and take things easy. She should try not to worry, because the more she worried, so would her immune system weaken. She must remain positive and try to relax in ways that made her feel happy. She was encouraged to do some standard exercises and listen to music during the day and also at bedtime. Above all, her fight for survival should be peaceful, but constant. She should be used to take things easy at all events.

Selina now has more time for her family. She became friendlier towards the children at school and her relationships with the other teachers improved.  She gave up her additional tuition work and relaxed instead by reading magazines and watching television.

Previously she had no time for television, reading, or even her friends. Now she has a lot more friends and she is very happy being with them.

She eats a balanced diet containing vitamins and lots of iron. She never fasts now – previously, she fasted twice a month. She eats lot of sweet fruits and green vegetables, avoiding chilled and oily items. No more junk food at all.

All these changes in Selina’s life have made her feel better than she did before she had cancer. After two years, her life is good and she finds happiness and peace everywhere. She is a more competent teacher now and also a better wife and loving mother at home. She looks fresh and enthuastic mostly at all events.

She has proved that a happy life with a proper diet strengthens the immune system and she could overcome cancer and stay well for years. She learned that it does not have to take a lot of time and money to prepare and eat nice food, nor does it cost anything to do exercise and meditation, but it’s worth doing.

If Selina continues with her routine, she will live long and happily… and die of old age.




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