Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease and is believed to affect only female fertility. But current medical research has shown that it also affects male fertility.
Every year in Britain more that 125,000 young people under 25, mostly college and university students, are screened for Chlamydia.
Annual screenings show numbers growing in the last ten years. This presents a real threat to both men and women when cases of sterility are found to be increasing. At many events only the females are treated and the problem is sorted out. But in a good number of other cases males as well had to be treated to get a positive response.
At present the disease is out of control even though thousands of young people are treated regularly. The substantive threat it presents to young people between 18 and 25 years is of the greatest concern.
The disease damages ova in the uterus and sperms in vas deference or fallopian tubes. Such damage makes it difficult for the sperms and ova to mat and sterility strikes.
Antibiotic drugs are an effective way of wiping out the sterility caused by Chlamydia. Drugs taken on time also help to prevent miscarriages, improve the mobility of sperms and aid pregnancy.
Surprisingly Chlamydia has no obvious symptoms so it is very difficult to recognize the disease without screening. Young females have no problem with this, but males may hesitate. So they need to be convinced about its importance
Under present circumstances it would be advisable for all males between 18 and 25 to offer themselves for screening and if found positive, to be given immediate treatment.
Diagnosis could also be carried out through wine test also. The only symptoms of the condition are lower abdomen pain in females and a penile discharge in males.
Those affected by the disease, particularly those involved in anything related to studying, can appear moody, disinterested, and even mildly aggressive,
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