During my recent visit to London, I came in contact with a British Author who complained of his son bed-wetting at the age of 12. He asked me if I could treat him and release him with the habit at such a grown up age. My author friend was aware of my drugless treatment which worked. I prescribed medicine only if the need arises. Otherwise my treatment was entirely based on diet control and some domestic treatments.
I gave him the detail of the treatment which could be carried out without bringing the patient in person. And again in such case, the boy would be ashamed to face a doctor for his ailment… Bed-wetting is a habit of small children and not the grown up like him. But I had some cases of the type and I succeeded treating them.
I advised the father never to taunt or tease the son for bed-wetting as it was not his doing but a bad habit due to an access of gas in the urinary system.
Gas in general is cool. So his son should avoid all cold items and nothing from the freeze. While sleeping the gas within reacts so it is good for him if he eats some three to four hours earlier than his time of sleep. If he feels thirsty he should take little water but nothing else… Before sleep, he should go for urine. If possible awake him at the middle of the night and ask him to go for urine only for few days.
Do full body massage with the Indian Tal oil everyday in the evening hours. It will help him to control gas in his body.
Have two tubs-fill one with cold water and the other with warm water. Ask the son to sit for 10 minutes in warm water and five minutes in cold water. Repeat the exercise for tree times. This would stabilize the urinary organs and remove the extra gas from there.
I asked him to buy 500 gms. Of black Tal from the Indian ration shop and ask his son to eat fistful of beans an hour before sleep. It will fulfil his hunger if he at all feels so. Otherwise it will help to stabilize the urinary organs and Tal being hot tempered, will remove extra gas from the body.
His evening dinner should not consist any garlic items.
Perhaps this could be a donkey work for the person who is not very much used to do such things. But the author agreed to do everything as per my instructions which he had already noted in his hand-book.
I asked him to carry on the mentioned treatment for about 21 days and then report to me.
When the author reported to me after 21 days, he was very happy to report that his son had abandoned bed-wetting from the 8th day of the treatment. Since then he has had never wetted his bed and he was happy… He was more cheerful and active. He also behaved better.
I asked the author friend to restrict him over gaseous foods and arrange for him the earlier dinner. I assured him everything to be alright from now on wards.
And my author-friend rang me after six months while I was in India to tell me that everything is alright and he thanked me sincerely to improve his son’s life.
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