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A case of Masturbation.

A YOUNG man of nearly 25 years of age enters my consulting office with a load of depression on his gloomy face. He introduces himself as Mr.Raju Shah and was married to a pretty girl four years before. He was afraid he might lose his beautiful wife because he can’t satisfy her properly in the bed.

He had developed a bad habit of masturbation since last ten years. He had earlier thought that he would abandon the evil habit, once he gets married. His thoughts betrayed him and the habit settled as the permanent device with him. He endeavored to spit out the habit to his best knowledge but the obstinate habit hesitated to quit. He dared to talk the matter with few of his trust-worthy friends. He also followed some of the articles about the devil habit but nothing materialized.

He gets awoke in the middle of the night and thinks of sexual intercourse. He prepares for a successful venture with the sex-hungry wife and to fulfil her burning desire, but at the last moment he fails. At some events, his penis seems to be fully fit for a successful intercourse but immediately he tries to break in, it withdraws as the defeated soldier.

He feels ashamed and sometimes he cries. The wife tries to help him as far as she could but she is rarely successful. At certain events her method of provocation works but he pours out immediately and sometimes in her hands when she is pampering his organ. Or he pours out on the bed-sheet before piercing his penis in the uterus of his wife.                                                   He can not face his wife during the event. He develops inferior complexity and he hardly can ever order or over-rule his wife in the time of needs. His wife has the upper hand in most of the social rulings. In other words he lives a life of a hand-packed husband just because he is unable to meet the sexual need of his desirous wife.

Mr.Shah frankly confessed of his sexual desires and the deficits. He reads sexual novels, sees sexual movies and takes keen interest in sexual talks. He is very much exited and provoked by doing so.He also ventures to watch the women taking bath in the public places and is provoked to see their sexual parts in the wet clothes. He can’t help peeping at the alluring breasts of the women who are fond of exposing their breasts in the public by using funny wardrobes.

He is always desirous of sex by his nature.He very secretly visits the brothel in the nearby town when out on business tour. To his surprise, he can very well enjoy the real sex with the call-girl. He very well understands that it is no way good for him. His religion considers it to be a great sin. He himself feels guilty and does not approve adultery at any circumstances.

So at most of the events he tries to calm down his lust by self-masturbation just glaring at his beautiful wife and her bewitching sexual organs. He gets relaxed for time being but is ashamed to do so. He is not happy to see the wife sleeping with symptoms of unsatisfied desires.

He wishes to get rid of the both the bad habits and longs to satisfy his desires through his wife who had been complaining of his failure to fulfil his duty as the husband. She is not happy with the situation at all. Moreover, it is very difficult for a woman in the society to lead a peaceful life without having a child within three years of the marriage leave aside the sexual instincts. How far a young woman with the burning sexual desires stay unsatisfied by her husband? If it persists for long there are all chances of his wife betraying him and going with some other man to satisfy her sexual hunger. Surely he would be guilty for that.

Mrs. Shah was also worried about the situation. Her attempts to bring the situation under control failed. She secretly took the advice from her personal friends and followed their advice but nothing materialized. She also contacted witch-doctors, charm-healers, astrologers, and saints and prayed all the Hindu Gods and vowed to please them with certain items if her problem was sorted out. Losing her faith but still hopeful she convinced and forced her husband to visit my office and try to sort out the issue, whatever the cost may be.

This was entirely a physcological case-born through the effect of inferior complexity due to the fear of bad habit of masturbation. He had nothing wrong physically; I assured him.His habit of long timed masturbation in reality was not the cause of his failure of sexual affair with his wife. If he could enjoy sex properly in the brothels, there was no reason why he could not do it with his wife, the right source to enjoy sex and to produce children

I tried to remove fear from his thoughts and advised him to love his wife without any negative thoughts.He should bravely ask his wife his need of sex and it should be timed before sleep.But still if he happens to awake at the middle of the night or in the early morning and thinks of sexual intercourse, he should  have courage to convince the wife and prepare her for the act without any set-back.                                                   

He should be sexually positive and should not think of the past.Or he should get away from the bed and calm down his lust by drinking cold water or taking a cold bath.He can as well read some religious or good social novel which will surely thwart him from adopting masturbation.

I gave him the following prescription…Every day, he should take light meals at night and never sleep with a full stomach.He should avoid seeing sexual films or reading sexual literature at night. He should put on a lose underwear especially at night. He should always insist on sleeping sideways especially on the left side. He should avoid taking gastric food.

I prescribed him the particular type of exercises and yogas in the morning and evening which may give him the courage and confidence while approaching the wife for mating.He should try to please his wife with good morning and good night kisses and should take some time to provoke her before coitus.He should try to talk and discuss sex with his wife and should try to satisfy her with her taste.He should allow his wife to play around with his sexual organ as and when required. He should think positive, sleep positive and play with sex positively with full confidence.

And after three months, Mr. Raju Shah enters my office with a charming face and a confidential smile. He was successful in removing the bad habit of masturbation from his life. He no more visited brothels and never thought of watching or peeping at nude women. He could manage to satisfy his wife to the last moment and he was content with the affair. And above all, the good news he gave me was of that of his wife’s pregnancy. I was happy to hear that.

To day Mr. and Mrs. Shah Lead a very healthy and happy married life with two children and no complain. Many couples are envious if not jealous, of their peaceful family life.




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