It was during my fifth year in India from overseas. I had already started my Ayurved and Naturopathy Clinic and started taking those cases so far not cured, or incurable, by allopathic treatment.
I used to take long term cases only, which had not responded to treatment and were still awaiting a cure. After introducing Ayurved in Kenya I had treated several very difficult cases of the indigenous people and cured them satisfactorily at a very little cost.
Paralysis was a common ailment among the local people and most of these cases were the by-products or side effects of injections or allopathic drugs.
My first case of child paralysis in India turned out to be a poor boy of six years old who was paralysed because of mascular injections for fever. There were a number of cases around, I was told, and mostly all were due to the side effects of heavy doses of injections given during severe fever.
The boy, named Bhikhu, suffered a stroke down his left side, affecting his leg and hand but, fortunately, not his face. He had been treated for polio in the Rehabilitation Centre for a long time. He had also been treated by a private physiotherapist. But after six months, there was hardly any improvement in his condition. His parents could not afford to go to the regular, well-known doctors and decided to visit my clinic.
I had no need to take any extra tests, but I asked his parents to stick with my treatment for six months or more for the best results. I made it clear to them that if proper care was taken with his diet and regular massage and exercise were carried out, the positive results would surely be seen and the expenses would not be very high. I would not charge them any fees but they would have to pay for the medicines. I would show them the type of massage and exercise to carry out at home, but they should take care that the boy followed the diet that I recommended.
I advised them not to give any chilli, sour or oily foods to Bhikhu. He should be given water only boiled with ginger. He should never be given anything cold and the food prepared for him should always be fresh and hot.
I prescribed him two teaspoons of Ashwagandharist Kadha twice a day with half a tablet of Lagu Vasantmalti Ras.
I also prescribed Ekangvir Rasa tablets 1-1 to be taken in the morning and evening with pure honey. I asked them to use Narain Tail or even olive oil for the massage.
Exercise is a very important factor in paralysis and it should be done regularly for half an hour twice a day. I recommended that he should also be treated with hot water bottles twice a day. A steam-bath treatment once a day was also arranged.
His poor parents did not have to wait for another six months, but a positive result was seen by the end of the second month and by the end of the fourth month, I was happy to see Bhikhu walking properly without any external support.
I reduced the treatment by half, but asked them to continue with massage, exercise and hot water bottles for another two months.
Bhikhu rejoined his school at the end of the sixth month and even took part in PE. He could not only walk properly, but also ran as well as the other boys.
Ayurved had worked for Bhikhu and his parents were happy. Their only son was cured properly, and within their budget. I was satisfied and happy to see that Ayurved with the help of Naturopathy head really worked well.
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