A case of an embarrassed girl
This happened in Kenya in the year 1994.
Hellon was hardly 15 and was studying in the Menengai High school in Nakuru. She was not taking oral pills regularly although she was sleeping with her boy-friend often and she became pregnant. Most of the school girls were advised by their mothers to take daily pills to avoid pregnancy during studies. Sex was very common with even the girls of 12. Some school teachers also made their girl students pregnant.
Her boyfriend did not want to know about her pregnancy. That was her personal problem, according to him. She should sort it out by herself. Hellon was scared of being a mother at the unmatured age and again while studying. She over looked the situation until it was too late for an abortion. She did not wish to take any risk in the matter.
Now she was really worried. Going with the swollen belly in the school was not so tolerable. Even moving around in public was shameful for her. She talked over the matter with her mother. To her good luck, her good natured mother supported her and she got relaxed and excited. She got off from the school at the end of sixth month and stayed home helping her mother.
At eight months, she suffered from pre eclampsia and was asked to take total bed rest. It was really boring for a student who never rested during her school time. As she was totally free, she read some books but worried more about what might go wrong during her last hours.
Hellon had heard much about the labour pains during delivery and so she worried more due to her pre eclampsia ailments.
In the end, she was induced and nine hours later after pushing for about an hour, a boy was born to her. The minute she held her healthy boy, all her fears about being an unmatured mother faded away. She was delighted to be a mother of a healthy and charming child.
But she later on realized that there were other things to worry about the child which were out of her consideration.
The child was over weight and big in size. So Hellon needed stitches. Which apart from being physically discomfortable the leather straps on the stirrups pulled hard at her Calf muscles. Nor did she realize that she would bleed for about two weeks or so after delivery. Most of the mothers to be were aware about it except Hellon.
Comparatively it was a minor price to pay when she was very happy to be a mum of a boy at such an earlier age. Her mother agreed to look after the child while she completed her studies.
Hellon was very happy to learn that. She was a proud mother to breastfeed her child at the age of 16.
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