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Fruit versus Breast Cancer


It has long been recommended that women with breast cancer should take a regular and plentiful amount of fresh fruit and vegetables in their diet to improve their chances of surviving the disease.

However, recent research by scientists of the Medical University of California, who led the study, has revealed that such quantities of fruit and vegetables do not improve the survival chances of these women. A diet containing large amounts of grapes, which are said to be effective against cancer in its early stages, is still to be researched.

An in-depth study of more than 5000 breast cancer patients revealed that even boosting fruit and vegetable consumption way beyond normal guidelines, and taking low-calorie food, did not help the affected women either to live any longer, or with less suffering.

Their chances of survival were no better than those women who chose a regular diet. But it was found that patients who exercised control over junk food and alcohol were much more comfortable.

Although fruit and vegetables may not be helpful as a possible remedy for women with breast cancer, they are most beneficial in avoiding other ailments. So plenty of fruit and vegetables should be included in the daily diet. For the best results, bananas are best avoided and grapes should be eaten in abundance.


© H V Kerai 2009

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