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Be Careful with the Vacuum Pump

There are vacuum pumps available to increase the size of the male sexual organ. There are also vacuum pumps to increase the size of the female breasts. Females can use the breast vacuum pumps as per advice from their physicians, but I don’t advise the men to use vacuum pumps for their penises. It is harmful to do so. I had several cases of young men who had used vacuum pumps to increase the size of their penises and experienced problems… Let me tell you about the recent case of a young man who is still in difficulty after using the pump.

Suresh, aged twenty-two, had a problem with his penis. He had recently married and he found his organ neither perfectly erecting nor increasing its size while having sex with his wife. He found it very difficult and he was ashamed to pierce his tiny organ into the matured vagina of his wife, who was four years his senior.

He talked about his problem to one of his married friends who advised him to purchase a good vacuum pump from the surgical instrument shop and use it for tightening and even increasing the size of his penis. He could also try massaging his penis before using the pump.

Suresh went to the town centre and purchased a reliable and expensive vacuum pump from the surgical shop, to solve his problem. The shopkeeper very kindly advised him how to use the pump and he used it for two continuous weeks after massaging his organ with special Ayurvedic oil (ling oil) as his friend advised.

He was happy to find that his penis expanded and even lengthened in size, but thereafter he failed to achieve an erection while having sex with his wife. He did not have any impulses or sexual instincts even after playing around with his wife’s sexual organs. He was not even aroused at all by looking at the nude body of his wife. So, by using the vacuum pump, he had totally lost his sexual vigour. His penis did not get fully erect or stiff even when his wife took it in her hands and massaged it.

Now the problem with his organ is beyond the help of any doctor. By using the vacuum pump his organ has expanded and lengthened until the nerves were worn out and, consequently, while sexually aroused, the nerves which should invigorate the blood and make the organ stiff do not work at all. They have been worn out by the pump.

Now according to my knowledge in the medical field, there is no medication to cure this problem; even surgery is not the solution. What he should do now is to have enough patience until the worn nerves are rebuilt naturally and start working again. He should forget about sex until then, but should massage his penis with ice twice a day, morning and night. He should regularly practise Yoga under the guidance of a good teacher. He must also have patience as there is no other treatment for his case and it will just be a waste of time and money if he goes on consulting various doctors.

But surely, God willing, his case will be improved sooner or later….




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