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Obesity leading to INFERTILITY

Expert scientists have for some time indicated to us that obesity in women leads to infertility and most cases of infertility in overweight females have turned out to be successful after reducing their weight to the accepted normal standard.

It is not that easy for an overweight woman to shed the excess weight from her body, but it has proved to be the most economical and rewarding treatment for a couple – especially where the woman has been waiting for a long time to become a mother.

However, recent research by the experts on sterility has come up with new findings, namely that obesity in men also raises the risk of male infertility by nearly 30%. This was discovered when normal, healthy women with overweight husbands were failing to conceive. When their partners reduced their weight to the normal standard, the problem was solved.

This research was carried out by expert scientists into hundreds of cases where totally healthy and fertile women were failing to conceive because their husbands were overweight. Men who reduced their weight were then found to be capable of achieving fatherhood.

In the same research, all those overweight husbands who were reluctant to submit to weight-reducing exercise, remained childless for a long time – or forever, even. Some such obstinate men, trying to prove their fertility while remaining obese, arranged to have sex with other women, known to be fertile, but these women also failed to conceive.

So it was proved that, by and large, being overweight may greatly reduce a man’s chances of fatherhood. Although excessive smoking and alcohol deprive men of becoming fathers, obesity also plays a major part.

It is widely believed that being overweight may affect fertility by lowering levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone. The sperm reports of such men were found with less mortality.

The present survey by the experts reveals that infertility may be becoming more of a male than a female problem, and in reality, it certainly does seem to be the case.


© H V Kerai


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